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Heart Of Gold Exile Zip Disks

  1. Heart Of Gold Exile

— The complete opposite of. This entity is usually kind and gentle, and usually (if not always) rewards the one who releases it, if it can.

In other cases, the wandering band of travelers are desperately trying to evade capture or being killed by the forces of darkness. They stumble upon the entity and, thanks to a can-opener (which can range from a trinket to a sacrifice), the only thing that can stop the great evil awakens, and prepares to open a can. Of whoop-ass.

Sometimes it's revealed that there is a baddie in there with them and they were the or the ever-fighting guard keeping them in. In these cases their release also releases the. Comes in two flavors:. Type 1: Sealed by allies. There was something in the future they would be needed to combat, so to make sure they would be ready, the Good let themselves be sealed. If the future threat was simply 'bad guy I need to beat up,' it's probably a case of instead. Type 2: Sealed by enemies.

A straight inversion of. There was a great foe that no one could defeat, so they sealed him away instead. Only difference is that the foe is the good guy, and the sealers evil. Occasionally used as a more subtle form of; may qualify as, but on some occasions these can be the main hero.

See for when the Good is imprisoned inside a living being, for when several characters (good or evil) are canned, or for a neutral variant. See for the usual female version. Contrast, who is usually not let out. See also, which is where the Good is less 'sealed in a can' and more 'lazy'.

The original sealing away of Alexiel in is a borderline example of this. True, she was captured trying to. On the other hand, the angels and demons vary so much between moralities that it's hard to say whether she's good. From is almost literally Sealed Good In A Can, since she begins the series locked inside a mechanical capsule that supposedly contains poison gas. The protagonist of the Geass game Lost Colors put himself into a coma within a Geass ruin following the death of his friends and family, making him a rare case of self-sealing. An early chapter of features an example of this trope in the form of the magical spirit-creature Lizregbel, released by Vald and Havi and promptly renamed 'Ruruka' after Val's little brother's pet bunny. In, it turns out the DigiMemories are actually a group of ancient, heroic Digimon that protected the Digital World.

Heart Of Gold Exile

They were ultimately sealed in there in a failed attempt to stop the break up of the Digital World. Goldramon has two dragons sealed in his bracers: Amon of the Crimson Blaze, who administers destruction, and Umon of the Blue Thunder, who administers creation. Elder Kai from was was sealed in the Z Sword a few billion years ago and when he comes out he provides lots of help in the effort against Buu. And Tapion in, who was himself the container of a.

In the Piccolo Jr. Saga, Kami attempted to seal Piccolo (the then ) in a bottle with the Evil Containment Wave.

Piccolo bounced it back at Kami, sealing him until Goku beat Piccolo and freed him.: Before his death, Brandon Heat left a letter for Big Daddy, stating that in the event of his (Brandon's) death, and if Harry and the Millenion goes down the wrong path, Brandon would allow his body to undergo necrolization and become a Deadman. His last request was to remain locked away in the doctor's confinement chamber, in a state of hibernation, until the time he needs to be summoned. Brandon (better known as 'Grave'), 'sleeps' for thirteen years until Mika (Big Daddy's daughter) awakens/releases him because she was told to seek his protection. In, Shaorin and other spirits were imprisoned in objects for several hundred years at a time, only coming out to serve a master who was pure of heart.

Unlike with most cases, exactly why this is done and who does it are a mystery. (Especially since none of them seem to have done anything to deserve it.). In the end of the first arc of, the recently Gackto, Sara and the Dark Lovers are sealed under the ocean forever for their crimes. Although she's not going to go and for it, Lucia mourns them as if they were dead and is surprised to see them astral project in the Pure arc. The anime had both Sealed Good and Sealed Evil. The goal of the protagonists became to revive the Phoenix before Mu could fully revive his original body. Oddly enough, himself is the subject of both this and.

When the 4th Hokage, his father, sealed the Nine-Tailed Fox into Naruto, he sealed his own soul into Naruto as well. His soul serves as a failsafe to prevent the seal on the Fox from breaking. Not to mention that if it were possible him to get it out (it isn't), it would double as.

Lucario in the movie. The BW arc of ends with Black getting sealed into the Light Stone in front of a horrified White.

Prince Mythos from does not literally seal himself, but shatters his heart and seals the pieces in order to seal the Monster Raven. As Princess Tutu returns his heart shards and emotions, the seal on the Raven gets correspondingly weaker. In Elie/Resha is one of these. She was sealed away to combat the threat that would arise in fifty years time. / Vampire Juuji Kai: The vampire queen Adelheid was considered to be and released only because her powers could stop alien invaders. And upon release she revealed the truth that she hadn't killed her husband's pregnant lover and confessed to it only to snap him out of destroying himself with a suicidal. In nearly any given Utena incarnation, all the audience initially learns of him is that he resides in an unreachable floating castle, that can summon his, and that Utena can either summon or him to.

Beyond this, information is vague, but all evidence points to him being both powerful enough to and a benevolent, selfless savior of the weak prior to his current imprisonment., this gets several subversions depending on the version:. Manga: Nearly played straight - Dios is indeed imprisoned, but only his and; his (End of The World, aka Akio Ohtori) is unfortunately free as a bird. Anime: 'Dios' (as well as his castle) were illusions all along. Dios himself is real and free - he just cranked in the intervening centuries and became Akio. His, on the other hand.


This is one of the many potential interpretations of the ending. Movie: Dios, born from, instead of the, he really was. In, the long-dead Demon King Arawn is this in the beginning of the series. He is mistaken for a by an evil priest who releases him in the hopes of becoming his. This is what Mikael and Silky from did to themselves - they sealed their fallen halos, in a box (well, more like three boxes) in Mikael's case and in a drawer in Silky's case.

Given that a fallen halo means losing potentiality of becoming an angel (losing any goodness) and is basically an expression of self-hatred, it's no wonder why they both turned into such psychos at the end. Mashiro in chose to be sealed along with the Tayutai knowing that if they're freed she'll be freed along with them and can seal them again. She would much rather work with them and get them to get along with humans than fight them. She will fight if necessary however, which is what she does almost immediately upon being released. She then lectures the ones she defeats about how they need to be nice. Nuts from was trapped inside the Dream Collet after he let a Kowainaa into his kingdom by mistake.: Pharaoh Atem sealed himself along with the so he would be around to defeat the Big Bad again when he was inevitably unsealed in the future.: Ray, the duelist who first opposed and Zarc.

The duel between them caused their home dimension to fragment into four different ones (Standard, Fusion, Synchro, and Xyz) and caused both their own souls to fragment, hers now residing in those of Ruri, Rin, Yuzu, and Serena. Unfortunately, Zarc is in the same situation, his soul fragments now residing in Yuri, Yuya, Yugo, and Yuto, and his original goal - destroying all of existence - is one he desires to renew. has the zombie fairy, bound in a coffin.

This is also a case of sealed evil in a can, as she is under a curse that causes her to go into. is all about the Sealed Good of being revived from a millennia-long hibernation to battle alien invaders., frozen in 1944 and thawed out again in. Well, whenever the current continuity says (roughly 12 years before whenever you're reading). Similarly, The Twelve revealed that twelve other (much more obscure) Golden Age Marvel heroes were by the Nazis to study later, but the Nazi scientists didn't get the chance because the war ended.

They get reawakened in modern times, and the book mostly deals with how well they each manage to adapt to the new world, or fail to do so. In, M'Onel (Mon-El, Valor) was trapped in the for 1,000 years before the Legionnaires freed him.

' Tiamut the Dreaming Celestial was the only member of his race that objected to their genocidal policies and was punished for it. A major from his initial appearance, where he's a straight that nearly kills millions. Then there's the Ekert from. And also Primus, god of the, who sealed himself away at the core of Cybertron itself in order to also seal off his opposite number, Unicron.

He was also present in the Unicron Trilogy, but he was created in the comics. To clarify: initially Primus and Unicron were entities capable of going from physical to astral forms. Primus goaded Unicron into a chase in his astral form, then switched back to physical just in time to embed both of them in lifeloss rock. Unicron eventually turned his prison into a new body; in response, Primus turned his into Cybertron. Back in the, Fawcett Comics (best known for had a magician super-hero named Ibis the Invincible. He was an ancient Egyptian who had somehow wound up as a mummy, but then got reawakened in the present day in a museum. He then reawakened his mummified lady love (thanks to magic, they were revived as living breathing people, not movie-style mummies), and then he went on to become a very -style super hero.

He debuted in Whiz Comics #2, the very same issue that introduced Captain Marvel. Like the other Fawcett heroes, he's now owned by, and pops up once in a while in stories dealing with magic or His signature weapon is a magic wand called the Ibistick. In, the elementals were sealed in one by Discord, and one of Navarone's goals is to free them. Arceus, the creator of the Pokemon world, starts out as one in.

Then he gets out, and kicks off the story's plot.: The Father Latios, who sacrificed himself to save Altomare and was sealed in the Soul Dew over a century before the events of, ends up freed due to the actions of Ash and the villains. In, the Guardian Beasts note Anguirus, Raiga, Gamera, Yonggary, Baragon, Rodan, and Manda were Kaiju sealed away by 70,000 years ago to bolster the world's defenses against the. On the Equestrian side, the Tree of Harmony is actually the sealed form of the. In I See The Stars Diana is a type 2 as the rightful leader and protector of Leisa.

Of course she's only human (er. Leisan) so when Ada frees her she proves to be severely traumatized and in desperate need of a therapist. Like in the anime, Sir Aaron's Lucario remains sealed inside his staff in. However, the circumstances that led him to be sealed this time around are very different. Genie: It's all part and parcel of the whole genie gig: PHENOMENAL COSMIC POWERS, itty bitty living space. In, Melody accidentally traps herself in a mirror while fleeing from the 's (literal) dragon, and keeps herself hidden inside, effectively becoming sealed good in a mirror.

Until she's coaxed out by the singing of the main characters, of course.: According to his backstory, Mushu the dragon was actually turned into an incense burner inside the Fa family altar as punishment by the Fa family ancestors for failing to do his job as a guardian the last time he was called. When Mulan decides to run off disguised as a male soldier, the Fa family ancestors send him toawaken another guardian to help her.

He fails and accidentally destroys the statue, and has to go himself. Fortunately, he's far from incompetent this time. The title character of the series was cryogenically preserved and revived in response to similar efforts by his, Dr. In, keeping God on life support in the real world so She could not return to heaven and blink things back to normal could be seen as Sealed Good in a Can, in this case a more direct borrowing of by the dark side. In: Dorkness Rising the. Whatever you may call them are officially on a mission to regain a cursed artifact for the High Priest of the local goddess of, Therin. Said High Priest is shown to have a powerful artifact of, which is later to be revealed the prison of Therin.

The party destroys the prison, freeing the goddess and are rewarded by her afterward. In, the titular Kids are trapped inside an outer space garbage can that lands on earth, and are discovered by an antiques store owner. He does his best to keep them in the can, but they always manage to find a way out. Much like the Animaniacs example below, the Kids aren't necessarily good, but they aren't evil either. A more apt definition would probably be Sealed Jerkass in a Can. In, the Schwartz (the movie's answer to ) can be bottled after being condensed into liquid form and used to give a spaceship more kick. The icy Breath of Valkur in had to be retrieved from the far north, to counter the fiery evil.

The White Queen in. features two examples. Balthazar Blake was trapped alongside in an urn for ten years. At the same time, Veronica Gorloisen willingly absorbed 's spirit into her body so that Balthazar could trap both into the Grimhold. This also is an example of. Sentinel Prime in. He's been rusting away in the Ark since he crashed on the moon in.

It later turns out that he was actually a, as he defected to the Decepticons before leaving Cybertron. After revealing this to his former comrades, he joins Megatron with a plan to enslave all humanity as a workforce to rebuild Cybertron. in the film, prior to (and during) the climactic battle between and against. Leeloo, as the titular, is the only weapon against the embodiment of evil - life personified. Overlaps heavily with.: Ahkmenrah, the Pharaoh whose tablet brought the exhibits to life, spent decades in his sarcophagus. In desperation, Larry and Nick free him from the sarcophagus, and he proves to be very gracious and helpful afterward.

In 's, there's a guardian sealed away under the Holy Wood hill, that the heroes need to awaken in order to banish the Things that come to life from movies. has a parody of the: the ancient king complains he hasn't had a wink of sleep for the last century, because some bugger keeps.

Vangerdahast's subplot in the novel involves him attempting to seal dragons in a can to protect Cormyr. (The country's previous Sealed Good was unsealed, then destroyed, in a prior war.) The subplot ends with Vangerdahast himself into a dragon, then sealing himself and a volunteer song dragon in the can. In Guy Gavriel Kay's trilogy, King Arthur and Lancelot are both examples.

King Arthur is awoken by one of the protagonists to fight the big bad. Arthur finds Lancelot under a mountain and wakes him. Guinevere is already present,.

Arthur is doomed to fight evil when called upon to do so, and the others are doomed with him to relive their own tragedy whenever he does so. Until the end of the trilogy, when they are freed as a result of a heroic sacrifice allowing Arthur to live to see the end of the battle for the first time averting part of the 'doom.'

. 's:. Percy was kept asleep by Juno for several months until the time was right for him to go to Camp Jupiter. Hazel's time in the Underworld also qualifies. In 's novel Bloodhype, the Tar-Aiym Guardian, Peot, was charged with containing and finding a way to destroy the Vom, a planet-scouring. Half a million years later, Peot is dormant and must be awakened in order to counter the Vom's renewed threat. Flinx turns out to be the key to accomplishing this.

Also by, in the good goddess Bast was locked a long time ago and it's main character's father who releases her. It overlaps with, because something very bad was imprisoned along with Bast - and escaped at exactly the same moment. Jim Knee in was sent to Septimus as this and eventually succeeds, despite several incidents and being rather reluctant. In the to 's, Prospero releases Ariel from the cloven pine where he had been imprisoned for twelve years by the evil witch Sycorax for refusing to do her bidding. Ariel is thus bound to serve Prospero for twelve years to repay his debt. In Beast Child, second book of, Manu, the so-called Titan boy is innocent and good, having being put away to serve the god-like being which has been split into Lenis and Missy.

's series has the Horn of Valere, which can summon the greatest heroes of the setting's history to kick righteous amounts of ass. The subversion being that the heroes obey whomever blew the horn — good or evil — until he dies. Double subverted when we find out that this actually isn't true; the heroes would never fight for the or his minions. Also the heroes aren't exactly sealed: they regularly get reincarnated on Earth and only the ones not currently alive are summoned.

The heroes of spend most of the series believing that the Crippled God is a. When he is freed towards the end of the series, he turns out to be not so much evil as simply mad, and giving him his freedom seems to have undone his madness.

He ultimately assists the heroes in preventing the extinction of the human race, and so functions both as a subversion of the Sealed Evil trope and a variant of the Sealed Good trope. He also turns out to have been the; the of the series presents him as having penned it so that those who sacrificed their lives to free him and to prevent the end of the world would not be forgotten.

Which, of course, also gives the series its title. In, the Forerunner Didact was sealed in the titular Cryptum for one thousand years as a meditative exile after his political defeat by the Builders. He is released early in the book.: Brind'Amour put himself in stasis long ago, then awoke to find Eriador has been overrun by an evil wizard's forces.:. Inverted in 'The Pandorica Opens, as the Pandorica is said to contain, with the Doctor trying to stop his enemies from getting their hands on it as it opens. However, when it finally does open, it's empty.

The whole myth is a trap set up by the Doctor's enemies, who are all under the mistaken impression that he's the one behind the universe-ending threat of the season. The episode ends with him being locked inside the Pandorica,. The Doctor does this to himself in the two part episode and to evade pursuing enemies. Who would have expected the depths of the planet Za'ha'dum, home of the evil Shadows in, to contain Lorien, The First One, who saves Sheridan's life and goes on to help the good guys? Though it wasn't so much sealed as waiting for someone worthy to find it.: As seen in the Peacekeeper Wars post-series finale,. There were actually two separate groups of them, one group was, and the other were a Type 2, saved by an of. They can a receptive state, and, to construct a good argument.

Besides being Super-diplomats, they are the ones that transplanted and genetically engineered early-Hominids, thus creating The Peacekeepers. In, Jeannie was sealed in a bottle for 2,000 years by the Blue Djinn as punishment for refusing to marry him. It's implied that this was the case for the original. More than that, it was hinted he did it to himself and ages when he was discovered it is implied he was STILL ALIVE during all the time he was sealed up before the Grongi escaped and may have murdered him as soon as the seal was broken. The Zyurangers in were put in suspended animation rooms in an underground temple, to make sure they would still be alive and ready to fight Bandora if someone released her. Kai in starts and ends many episodes frozen in a stasis chamber, showing up to save the other characters in the nick of time.

You know, because he's dead.:. Zordon was technically in a 'time warp' and broadcasting his face into a tube, but they freed the man by making him actually trapped in the tube. To make matters worse, the poor guy was kidnapped as soon as he was 'released', and when he was rescued, he promptly had to commit a to. Shoulda stuck with the time warp. Ninjor from season 3 played the Sealed Good in a Can twice, once when he first appeared and again when Lord Zedd and Rita captured him and the Falconzord and sealed them away. He's currently still in his initial can thanks to the timewarp inflicted on the Earth.

Ninjaman, Ninjor's counterpart, was like this as well. To the point where he's resealed after and isn't released until the team comes knocking, looking to obtain the Kakuranger's Greater Power. The Gold Ranger in was sealed in 's body for centuries after he bonded with the Gold Energem and Fury imprisoned him in a rage. He tries to escape several times during the Rangers' fights with Fury, but isn't able to until Fury briefly obtains the Energem in episode 11.

In episode 'Sarcophagus', an archeological dig finds an alien inside a tomb. Upon awakening, the friendly being was quite happy to find that humanity had come a long way from the cavemen that had attacked him on sight, forcing him to seal himself up to recover from his injuries. When there is a cave-in, the alien allows the two who had befriended him to seal themselves up, keeping them alive until they are finally rescued. The Spark Dolls from are the sealed forms of the previous. The Monsters suffered a.

In, the progenitor of the Tokra, Egeria, was almost literally sealed in a can (a symbiont containment vessel) by her Goa'uld enemies. Egeria fared less well than usual — the humans who eventually found her were unable to tell her from any other queen Goa'uld and basically tortured her to death. The Capsule Monsters from and Sevengar from. Sophia de Borghesse from Sabrina Goes To Rome. Since she cannot be with her lover, she seals herself inside a locket.