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Drc Insight For Mac

  1. Drc Insight For Mac Download
  2. What Is Drc Insight For Wida
  3. Drc Insight For Mac 2017

1 Quick Reference: Mac All-In-One Installing a TSM and DRC INSIGHT on a Single Mac for ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 or Screener Testing Revision Date: September 14, 2017 2 Introduction This Quick Reference guide steps a new user through the three parts of installing and configuring the Testing Site Manager (TSM) and DRC INSIGHT on a single Mac computer for online testing with ACCESS for ELLS 2.0 or Screener. Part 1: Install a TSM on the Mac (OS X or macos) Part 2: Create a Configuration for the Mac Part 3: Install DRC INSIGHT on the Mac and Register the Mac to the Configuration Important: These instructions apply to creating a specific testing environment in which DRC INSIGHT and a TSM are installed on a single Mac (OS X or macos) computer. For more general installation and configuration instructions, refer to the WIDA version of the DRC INSIGHT Technology User Guide.

These instructions assume that DRC INSIGHT and/or a TSM are not already installed on the device. If DRC INSIGHT or a TSM is installed, please call DRC Customer Service at You must be a Mac System Administrator to install a TSM or DRC INSIGHT. You may want to print these instructions while DRC INSIGHT is running (Part 3), you cannot access other applications on your Mac. System Requirements Both the TSM and the DRC INSIGHT software may be installed on a single Mac to test one student at a time (one student testing concurrently) that meets the following system requirements: RAM: 2 GB available Processor: 2x dual-core i5 at 2.4 GHz Disk Space: 20 GB available Page 1 3 Part 1: Install a TSM on the Mac (OS X or macos) DRC provides an easy-to-use wizard to install the TSM software that provides the caching capabilities required for ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 and Screener testing. Important: Install the TSM software on a computer that will be powered on when test content is automatically updated. If the computer is not on or is unavailable, it will not be updated. Whenever you restart a computer that has the TSM software installed, or anytime you plan to use the TSM for testing, verify that the TSM software and test content are up to date before you attempt to test.

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To launch the wizard and start the installation, sign in to the WIDA Assessment Management System (WIDA AMS) at using the Mac (OS X) computer and a Chrome or Firefox browser, open the All Applications menu bar, select General Information Technology Downloads, and click on the Testing Site Manager (TSM) DRC INSIGHT Macinstosh Download icon ( ). If you cannot access this link, call DRC Customer Service at Important: Before you download, click View System Requirements from the Technology Downloads page to verify that your Mac meets the system requirements for both DRC INSIGHT and the TSM. After you download the installation program, double-click on the downloaded TESTINGSITE MANAGERSetup.dmg file to open the download package. Click on the Testing Site Manager (TSM) Installer.app to launch the wizard and start the installation.

Drc Insight For Mac Download

Configure, install, manage, and troubleshoot the DRC INSIGHT Online Learning System, or DRC INSIGHT. This volume, Volume IV: DRC INSIGHT, describes how to configure, install, manage, and troubleshoot the DRC INSIGHT software. It contains installation information for the various environments that support INSIGHT and describes how to use the.

The Welcome screen displays for the Testing Site Manager (TSM) Setup Wizard. Click Next to continue. The License Agreement window displays. Click I accept the agreement and click Next. The Select Configuration Options window displays. Verify that the correct caching values are checked for Enable Content Caching (required) and Enable Response Caching (optional and only available for the Writing tests). The Automatic Update window displays.

Verify that Enable Automatic Update (the default value) is selected. During installation, a window displays to indicate the progress of the installation. 4 Part 1: Install a TSM on the Mac (cont.) After the installation completes, the Setup Complete window displays. IMPORTANT: Record the TSM port numbers before you click Finish. You need this information to configure your devices in the Central Office Services - Device Toolkit in Part Click Finish when you are ready. After the installation is complete, open a supported browser (Firefox or Chrome) and enter one of the following addresses: If you used the default http port number in step 6, enter If you changed the http port number in step 6, replace 8080 with the port number you specified.

Note: The TSM software may take several minutes to display the first time. When the Enter Testing Site Manager Name window displays, enter a name that will help you remember the location of the TSM machine in the TSM Name field and click Save. DRC recommends that you include some combination of WIDA, the state, district, school, and location (building and/or room number) of the TSM.

You can start Part 2 while the TSM is loading content. The TSM displays. Verify that the test content is up to date (see the Status field). If it is not, click Update Content. If it is, continue to Part 2.

Page 3 5 Part 2: Create a Configuration for the Mac You use the Central Office Services - Device Toolkit to create a configuration to use the Mac for testing with DRC INSIGHT and to indicate the TSM to use for testing. To start the Central Office Services - Device Toolkit, from WIDA AMS at (log in again if necessary), open the All Applications menu bar and click Device Toolkit. Note: You must have the Device Toolkit permission in WIDA AMS to access this link. If you do not see this link, call DRC Customer Service at When the Central Office Services - Device Toolkit Select Site page displays, select the Add New Configuration tab to create a new configuration. When the Configuration Information page displays, enter a meaningful name for the configuration to help you categorize and organize your devices for testing.

Check Enable Auto Update to enable automatic DRC INSIGHT software updates and click Next. Select a testing program from the Testing Program drop down menu and a school using the Site filter (enter at least three characters) and click Add Location. 6 Part 2: Create a Configuration for the Mac (cont.) 6. To specify a server to use for test content caching (required) toggle TSM Content Caching to Yes. In the Content Caching URL: field enter the following string to identify this machine as the TSM server. Note: The default https port number is If you specified a different https port in Part 1 Step 6, replace 8443 with the port number that you used. From the Content Caching Usage drop-down menu, select Content Caching Only.

To specify the same server to use for test response caching (optional and only available for WIDA Writing tests), toggle TSM Response Caching to Yes and enter the information that you entered in step 6 in the field that appears. Click Next to save your changes.

When the Save Configuration dialog box appears, click Continue. The Central Office Services - Device Toolkit dashboard reappears with your new configuration added.

Record (or copy) the device s ORG Unit ID and continue to Part 3. IMPORTANT: Record (or copy) the device s ORG Unit ID (located next to the configuration name in the dashboard), which is case sensitive. You need this information to register the device when you install DRC INSIGHT in Part 3.

Page 5 7 Part 3: Install DRC INSIGHT on the Mac and Register the Mac to the Configuration 1. DRC provides an easy-to-use wizard to install the DRC INSIGHT software for Mac (OS X and macos). To launch the wizard and start the installation, sign in to the WIDA AMS using the same Mac, open the All Applications menu bar, select General Information Technology Downloads, and click on the DRC INSIGHT Mac (OS X) Download icon ( ). After you download the installation program, double click on the DRCINSIGHTSetup.pkg icon to start an installation. The Welcome to the DRC INSIGHT Installer window displays. Click Continue.

The Software License Agreement window displays. Click Continue and Agree. The Select Destination window displays, indicating the amount of disk space the installation will require. Click Install. The Standard Install on Macintosh HD window displays. Click Install.

After you enter your username and password and click Install Software, the installation begins. After the installation, a summary window indicates the status of the installation. The Configuration Not Found page displays.

Click Assign Device to ORG Unit. To successfully register the device with DRC INSIGHT, you need to use the device s ORG Unit ID that you recorded or copied from the Central Office Services - Device Toolkit. When the Device Registration page displays, enter the device s ORG Unit ID and (or paste it from the clipboard if you copied it), and click Add.

This registration process tells the Mac which TSM to use for testing. When you have added the ORG Unit, click Register. 8 Part 3: Install DRC INSIGHT on the Mac and Register the Mac to the Configuration (cont.) When the Mac registers, the System Readiness Check will launch. When the System Readiness Check launches, the System Information screen displays. If the icons are green, the TSM is configured and ready (see the Note below).

If not, click Execute Tests to rerun the System Readiness Check and attempt to correct the results. Click Details next to any test you need more information about. If you cannot correct the results, call DRC Customer Service at When you are ready, click Exit. Note: If you did not enable Response Caching for the TSM (step 7 in Part 2), the TSM Response Caching icons will not display as green. When the device is successfully registered with DRC INSIGHT, the main testing page displays. From this page you can try Test Practice or test using your DRC INSIGHT log in information, view sample test items, or try test demos. You can display the System Readiness Check by clicking the checkmark in the lower left side and entering the System Readiness Check Access Code of Page 7 The installation adds a single shortcut to DRC INSIGHT on your desktop that you also can use to sign in to the Test Practice, Test Demo, and tests.


To: Principals, District ELL Program Directors, ACCESS for ELLs Test Coordinators, and ACCESS for ELLs Technology Coordinators From: Dan Wiener, Administrator of Inclusive Assessment Alexis Glick, English Proficiency Assessment Coordinator Date: December 3, 2018 This update provides guidance to schools administering the online ACCESS for ELLs test in January and February 2019. Pre-ID Upload of Student Data The Department will preload student data into the WIDA Assessment Management System (AMS) for students who were reported as ELs in your district's October 2018 SIMS report. Test Coordinators will be able to review and edit this information between December 3, 2018, and February 8, 2019. During this time you will be able to:. manage students by entering accommodations and information for those students who arrived after the October SIMS submission, or whose information is incorrect;. place students into test sessions; and. print test tickets.

Also see for details. Pre-loaded students will be grouped automatically in test sessions, by grade, for each of the four tested domains (Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking).

Grouping in test sessions does not mean that these students must be tested together, only that similar students have been grouped together during the pre-loading of files. Once your student data has been entered, test tickets (secure documents) will be available to print and the test may be administered. Directions for printing test tickets are provided on page 114 of the. Options for Managing Student Data Data can be managed in WIDA AMS either for individual or multiple students, according to the options described below. Option A: Uploading your school or district's completed data file for multiple students concurrently Prepare the file, as follows:. Download the pre-populated school or district Student Data File (October SIMS in CSV format) at: Security Portal = Applications List = Drop Box Central = ACCESS Data 2019 = WIDAPreID2019ACCESSXXXXXXXX (8 digit school or district code). Identify and correct any errors in this file and remember to make those corrections in your March 2019 SIMS report.

What Is Drc Insight For Wida

Students need not be removed from the file if they have transferred out or exited EL status since the October SIMS submission, but those students must be marked as 'transfer' or 'non-EL' in the March 2019 SIMS, or they will be counted against your participation rate. Data fields A–K and M must be completed for new students who entered the school after the October SIMS submission. All other fields may be left blank. Data fields AF–AU should be completed for students who require accommodations. Save the Student Data File in CSV format. Upload your completed Student Data File as follows: The Student Data File can be uploaded to Manage Students (a function within WIDA AMS), and students can then be placed into Test Sessions (another WIDA AMS function), as follows:.

Drc Insight For Mac 2017

To manage students (enter new students and accommodations), follow directions on page 77 of the, to upload the completed Student Data File. To create test sessions, follow directions on pages 117–120 of the, to upload the completed Student Data File. Option B: Editing or adding individual student information for making a small number of additions or changes You may enter or edit individual student demographic information and accommodations.

Directions are provided on pages 69–76 of the. To add new students, login to WIDA AMS, select Student Management = Manage Students = Add Student. Complete the information in Student Detail tab.

Complete the Accommodations tab if appropriate. The Demographics tab is not required and will be grayed out. Instructions can be found on page 76 of the. To place new students in test sessions, login to the WIDA AMS, select Test Management = Manage Test Sessions. The student must be placed in a test session, which will allow a test ticket to be printed for the student. Instructions can be found on page 106 of the. Accommodations If a student with a disability requires one or more of the following online accommodations, these should be entered prior to printing test tickets:.

manual control of item audio (MC). repeat item audio (RA). extended Speaking test response time (ES). Other accommodations may be entered either before, during, or after testing, until the last day of the testing window, February 8, 2019.